Wikipedia - Italy is a unitary parliamentary republic in Southern Europe. To the north, it borders France, Switzerland, Austria, and Slovenia along the Alps. To the south, it consists of the entirety of the Italian Peninsula, Sicily, Sardinia–the two largest islands in the Mediterranean Sea–and many other smaller islands. The independent states of San Marino and the Vatican City are enclaves within Italy, while Campione d'Italia is an Italian exclave in Switzerland. Rome, the capital of Italy, has for centuries been a political and religious centre of Western civilisation as the capital of the Roman Empire.
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Top Ten Crazy Rome Facts1. Many old beautiful buildings are covered in scaffolding with a canvas picture of the building on it – they call this art.
2. Dan Browns book Angels and Demons is set in Rome. 3. Rome was once considered the center of the world. 4. Underneath Rome there are at least forty catacombs or underground burial places. They go back as far as the 2nd century providing a place for the persecuted Christians to secretly bury their dead. 5. Rome grew from a small settlement on Palatine Hill overlooking the Roman Forum. 6. I almost threw up due to motion sickness after riding the Time Elevator; a ride that gives people a brief history of Rome. 7. The Roman Kingdom was first ruled by 7 successive kings, then the Roman Empire from 510 BC was governed by the Senate and finally the Roman Empire from 27 BC was ruled by an Emperor, the first being Augustus, son of Julius Caesar. Today it is just simply called Rome and is the largest city in Italy. 8. The Vatican is the smallest country in the world. 9. Rome’s Leonardo Da Vinci International is Italy’s main airport. 10. The Cinecitta Studios in Rome is the largest television and film studio in Europe. The Italian movie industry is second only to Hollywood in the world. |